Tuesday, April 17, 2012

UCLA Football: The Next Step

The Bruins stretch at UCLA's Spaulding Field

Scott Robinson

It was another beautiful day in the Westwood neighborhood.

What a shame the fans were not there to share it: The crowd has now thinned out substantially.

The recruits did not seem to notice, however. At today’s practice were the following:

Name Position Year
Troy Williams QB 2013
John Ross WR/DB 2013
DaMari Scott WR 2013

Imagine what winning will do for recruiting…

The Bruins are now roughly half-way done with their spring practices—only eight more until the Spring Game. So far, if one were forced to name the three major differences from one year ago, they easily could be surmised as follows: tempo, true competition and game simulating drilling.

All the things a coach might want to get better.

There’s still a lot of work to be done, though.


Today, a number of the same drills seen throughout spring practice added a few more folds in complexity.

This certainly bodes well for the new coaching staff.

On the one hand, this “next step” might reflect a better grasp of Coach Mora’s expectations. On the other, these wrinkles might push to the margins some previous starters.

Either way, the Bruins win.